Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Twitter for Small Business | The Twitter Salvation System

Value: $97 

“If You’ve Got 20 Minutes a Week, TWITTER SALVATION SYSTEM 2.0 Guarantees You Mastery of A Forbidden Money-Getting Weapon For Building a Recession-Proof Business”


* You get highly-qualified leads generated FREE that are as warm as toast to you and your products–from the get-go.
* You don’t spend a red cent on a costly sales force, because your rabid buyers readily evangelize your products and services.
* You’re the maven in your niche that everyone turns to. Surprisingly, all it took you was just under a month to cement their undying loyalty.
* You receive more Joint Venture proposals than you can handle, and the strategic alliances you’re already involved in are hauling you in boatloads of cash.
* You’re technically retired and you’re working for fun, because your every single need and desire –and that of your family– is taken care of.
* The best part is, you’re experiencing all these astonishing things during this challenging economic time!


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